Wazzup BITCHES, it is I, Cyro, your friendly neighborhood lizard that hides under his rock on the furthest reaches of the country.
I have come to tell you, YES YOU, where I have been all this time.
Idk if I have depression or not, I show symptoms like the lack of motivation, sometimes I'll never get out of bed, unless I actually feel awake (which I guess is normal, until I sleep for like 12 hours).
ADHD as well, I have problems with paying attention, and to make matters worse I have problems with learning, I read text, and it goes nowhere, I hear talking and voices, but just can't listen.
I feel emotionally exhausted, I swear this entire household is out to get me, my parents are "nice" guys, you know the one, if I obey their every command, they're nice, and shower me in gifts, it's terrible.
Now we have the animals, screaming birds, small annoying dogs, cats everywhere, fucking hate them, give me some damn space, plus the birds and dogs hurt my ears to no fucking end, I despise them.
Love it when I show anger or sadness even a little bit I get yelled at and ridiculed for showing such emotion, in fact I always feel like someone is out to get me thanks to my early child hood with school, the internet, and my entire family. In fact all these are probably why I have so many problems with my emotional state and mental state, fuck the human species.
And my room is garbage, it's small and crampt, the entire room is like falling apart, but that pisses me off more than like, puts me in extreme rage like my family.
ANYWAYS, I have been doing uhh, fine I guess???
My addiction for porn has grew, even after it shrinking to nothing before hand...
Despite not feeling all that motivated to draw, I sure as hell feel more motivated to draw porn, chunky lizard milfs and dilfs all the way, wait what.
As you can see, I have actually still manage to draw some things.
I also have been making 3D models, well, not much, I have made a bottle, a coin and some other third thing.
I begun on Dusk's 3D model, which has been, uhh hell? I haven't been working on it, I take little steps once in a blue moon.
I also have taken a huge interest in Homestuck, I have been watching Voxus' dub, reading Homestuck is just pure hell, unfortunately I have got to the second to last video they made on Homestuck.
I got pretty far in, not that far from the end.
I have learned to pop systems open and clean/fix/fuck-up them, long ago I got a faulty ps3 controller, which I fixed a year back, then cleaned out my ps3, which I only now realized the entire motherboard is lifted up.
I cleaned a GBC and GBA, and made them work slightly better, but the R button on the GBA just refuses to work no matter how much IPA, same goes for the GBA running GB games.
The GBC works perfectly, the speaker still is shit, but works a lot better.
I cleaned out my Wii Remote.
I fixed my DS Lite's faulty left and down input, they're still funky, but the contacts under look a bit corroded, which again, didn't come off despite IPA being the sollution people claim.
And uhh, despite putting it back together, the DS Light is bloated juuuust a little on the back... And the right side squeaks, guh...
I cleaned out my DSi, but fucked it up like a dumbass, it refuses to turn on because the top screen ribbon is now damaged, no idea how other than excessive crinkling, or a lot of finger prints, because I also, put the wrong screws in the battery terminal area, and now they spin endlessly! Fucking amazing..!
I tried to open my 2DS XL to fix the R button on that, but the entire damn button contact seem to have snapped off, looks like I need a solder kit now! But cna't because my parents won't let me have one, and my Dad keeps reccomending me this garbage alternative where it's like paint, which is fucking dumb.
I don't think I want to open and clean my other DSs.
I have been thinking about opening my Laptop to clean it out, but it's all I have besides my garbage ass phone (phones are trash).
I also finally got to work on my school work, wow, 50+ overdues, got them done in two weeks during end of November, fuck school, seriously, it's mentally draining, and I fucking hate it, FUCKING HATE SCHOOL.
Also happy new year, hope someone sees this.
tl:dr - Mental and emotional issues with family, school and this zoo of a house.
Picked up on Homestuck.
Porn addiction worse
More motivated to draw porn than SFW art
Got into engineering (opening devices and cleaning/fixing them)
Happy New Year!