While drawing my latest hyper-fixation character, I have realized just how terrible I am with poses and proportions.
Most of my art consists of "Character Sheets", as in T-Poses, arms on the side, direct front and side views.
An art piece I did of Dusk from the side, and one of Trove from a uhh 40 degree angle, simple pose, looks really good, but art of characters doing something, in a unique angle, are rather rough and ugly.
I think I need to actually be a good artist and make good art, and not create endless stand alone portraits or sheets, you feel me?
Most of my art hasn't been uploaded due to them being sketches, or very rough designs, due to the lack of motivation, the good ol' "I don't know how to make this" and "wow this looks like shit" which I need to start not letting me get to my head.