After roughly four years of constantly playing through each of the ps2 Ratchet games until I got burnt out for each, and resumed months later, I have officially 100% and Platinum trophied all four games on ps3.
I have to say, among the four games, the OG was my favorite, the music slapped, the writing and humor imo was peak of the series, and I love the clunky aesthetics of the robots and huge amount of plant life in the levels, it felt really organic.
The gameplay is a little lacking after playing the other three, but that's about it.
My second favorite is probably Deadlocked, it's pure dopamine, just endless blowing shit up, and I found the story to be badass.
Fucking hated the announcer though, he would not shut up, and randomly just have entire character arcs through out some stages.
Ratchet 3 was great too, although it felt kind of lack luster.
Ratchet 2 has to be my least favorite, it just felt so bloated with feature-creep.
If there's one thing I dislike about the franchise, is that Ratchet 2 was just filled with so much white, Ratchet 3 was just so orange?? and the game looked really flat iirc, and Deadlocked was just shades of red and black with the occasional dark green. The UI was ugly in 2 and 3, and looked really good in 1 and Deadlocked.
I haven't played much of the PSP games, but I have heard they where pretty mixed.
I do plan on playing the entire Future Series.
But all in all this was probably one of my most favorite franchises of all time, and I feel kind of depressed that I finished the entire ps2 saga...
Have this nostalgic Ratchet image for reading.